woman adjusting thermostat on the wall in her home

Home energy rebates

Peoples Gas Energy Efficiency Program

You can maximize ways to save energy and improve comfort at home with rebates on qualifying projects to enjoy energy savings, month after month.

If you own a single-family home, two-flat, or individually metered condo or townhome, you can get rebates on the following energy-saving improvements:

  • Furnaces
  • Boilers
  • Water heaters
  • Smart thermostats
  • Insulation and air sealing (weatherization)


To be eligible for rebates, equipment must be new, fully installed and meet energy-efficiency specifications listed on the residential application. Old equipment must be removed. Rebates may not exceed project cost.

Complete terms and conditions can be found on the rebate application below.


HVAC, water heating and smart thermostat rebate application   English  |  Spanish


Natural gas boiler Rebate
Boiler + integrated domestic hot water two-in-one unit Up to $500
Hot water boiler
90% AFUE or greater
Up to $350
Steam boiler
82.5% AFUE or greater
Natural gas furnace Rebate
95% AFUE or greater $200
97% AFUE or greater $225
Natural gas water heater Rebate
Tankless water heater
UEF 0.95 or greater
Indirect water heater
88% AFUE or greater
Thermostats Rebate
Programmable thermostats
Programmable thermostats installed at time of new furnace installation do not qualify.
Smart thermostats $25

Weatherization rebates

Our weatherization rebates for air sealing, insulation and duct sealing are available only for home improvements performed by our program’s approved contractors. They hold specific certifications and have received training on program requirements and specifications. Rebates are issued as instant discounts for qualifying projects to lower your upfront cost.

The maximum rebate per weatherization project is $1,200. To speak with a program representative and learn more about available rebates, call 855-849-8928.

Air sealing Rebate
Rebates are capped at $400. 40 cents per cubic feet per minute (CFM) reduction
Wall insulation Rebate
Applies to exterior or above-grade foundation wall and rebates are capped at $400 per project. Wall insulation rebates are now only available when bundled with air sealing. 50 cents per square foot
Attic insulation Rebate
Existing insulation must be R0 to R14, and installed insulation must be R49 or greater. Rebates are capped at $500 per project. Attic insulation rebates are available only when bundled with air sealing. 30 cents per square foot
Duct sealing Rebate
Furnace duct sealing $2/CFM reduction capped at $400

Get started

Contact an approved weatherization contractor:
Approved weatherization contractors

Related information

Additional services may be available for income-eligible customers.
Review income guidelines

The Illinois Energy Efficiency Loan Program allows payment for energy improvement investments through a monthly loan charge on utility bills.
Illinois Energy Efficiency Loan Program